
How To Set Stations On Sirius Radio

favorite channels (Presets)
Favorite Channels Favorite channels are channels y'all accept saved for quick access (presets). Tapping a favorite channel immediately tunes to the channel. Lynx can salve a total of 25 channels in 5 pages of favorite channels. The status bar displays hearts which show the pages to which favorite channels accept been saved. The active folio is highlighted.

The favorite aqueduct tray can be displayed or subconscious on the Now Playing screen. Tapping the Status Bar, or swiping it up or down, volition display or hide the tray.

Saving Favorite Channels

To salve a channel as a favorite channel:

  1. Tune to the channel yous wish to save as a favorite channel.
  2. If the favorite channels tray isn't open, open it by tapping the status bar, or by swiping it up, where information technology says My Favorites on the Now Playing screen.
  3. Swipe the favorite channels tray left or right to navigate to the page where you desire to salvage the channel (pages 1-five). The highlighted heart will show which favorite channels page is currently displayed.
  4. Tap + to save the channel. You will be prompted if you want to enable Radio Replays for all favorite channels, if you lot had not done so previously. If enabled, Lynx will tape blocks of content from the favorite channels in the currently selected folio as Radio Replays in My Music. Tap here to learn more about Radio Replays.

  1. If you always want Radio Replays enabled for all favorite channels, tap the bank check box and y'all will no longer be prompted each time you save a favorite channel. Tap Shut.
  1. If you decided not to enable Radio Replays, you will exist prompted again, informing you that Radio Replays are currently disabled. If you practise non wish to exist prompted again to enable Radio Replays for all favorite channels, tap the Practise non ask again check box. Tap Close.

Replacing Favorite Channels

To salve supercede an existing favorite channel:

  1. Tune to the channel you lot wish to save as a favorite channel.
  2. If the favorite channels tray isn't open, open information technology by tapping the status bar, or by swiping it up, where it says My Favorites on the Now Playing screen.
  3. Swipe the favorite channels tray left or correct to navigate to the page where you want to replace a favorite aqueduct (pages one-five). The highlighted middle will testify which favorite channels page is currently displayed.
  4. Tap+concur the favorite channel to be replaced. You volition exist prompted to replace the channel. Tap Yes.

  1. Y'all will exist prompted if y'all want to enable Radio Replays for all favorite channels, if you had not washed then previously. If enabled, Lynx will record blocks of content from the favorite channels in the currently selected folio as Radio Replays in My Music. Tap here to learn more than about Radio Replays.

  1. If yous e'er want Radio Replays enabled for all favorite channels, tap the check box and you will no longer be prompted each fourth dimension you save a favorite channel. Tap Shut.
  1. If you decided not to enable Radio Replays, you will exist prompted again, informing you that Radio Replays are currently disabled. If you practice not wish to be prompted again to enable Radio Replays for all favorite channels, tap the Do not ask over again bank check box. Tap Close.

Deleting Favorite Channels

To delete favorite channels:

  1. If the favorite channels tray isn't open, open it by tapping the status bar, or by swiping it up, where it says My Favorites on the Now Playing screen.
  2. In the favorite channels tray, tap+concord the favorite channel you wish to delete.
  3. If you are not currently tuned to the favorite aqueduct you are deleting, the Supersede? screen will be displayed. Tap Edit.

  1. The delete screen will be displayed. Tap+agree+drag the favorite aqueduct you wish to delete to the garbage tin icon.

  1. You tin can move between pages, deleting favorite channels until you take finished. When yous are finished, tap Back .
Rearranging Favorite Channels

You tin can rearrange the social club of favorite channels within the favorite channels page that is displayed on the Now Playing screen. To rearrange favorite channels:

  1. If the favorite channels tray isn't open, open up it by tapping, or past swiping the status bar up (where it says My Favorites) on the Now Playing screen.
  2. Swipe the favorite channels tray left or right to navigate to the folio where you lot desire to rearrange the favorite channels (pages 1-5). The highlighted heart volition show which favorite aqueduct page is currently displayed.
  3. Tap+concur the favorite aqueduct yous wish to rearrange.
  4. If y'all are non currently tuned to the favorite channel yous are rearranging, the Replace? screen volition exist displayed. Tap Edit.

  1. The delete screen will exist displayed. Tap+concur+elevate the favorite channel you lot wish to rearrange to the left of the new position, and hold information technology in that location for a moment until the favorite aqueduct below information technology moves out of the way. Then drop the channel (remove your finger from the screen) and Lynx will rearrange the order.

  1. Y'all tin can move betwixt pages, rearranging favorite channels until you accept finished. When you are finished, tap Back
Melody Start

When a favorite channel is tuned, Melody Start starts the song that is currently playing on the channel from the showtime. Tune First automatically rewinds to the offset of the song, and begins playing.

Note: This feature is available when listening to music channels, and is limited to one occurrence per song. Melody Get-go will work for all Cyberspace Radio music channels currently displayed on the Satellite Radio Now Playing screen.

If you tune abroad from a favorite aqueduct while a vocal is playing, and then tune dorsum to the channel while the same song is playing, the vocal will proceed to play from live.

Note that when a Tune Start has occurred, you volition exist listening behind the live broadcast. Y'all will meet a Get Live icon on the Now Playing screen with a time below it which indicates how far behind the live broadcast you are listening. Tap Go Alive to return to the alive broadcast. Borer Fast-Forward as well returns the live broadcast. Tune Start is available for the favorite channels currently displayed on the Now Playing screen, except for news and alive events, and is express to ane occurrence per vocal.

Tune Starting time may be turned off, if you lot do not wish to take this feature enabled. To turn off the Tune Start feature, tap Dwelling house , tap , tap Settings , tap My Content, and tap Tune Start On/Off to toggle the characteristic on or off. Tune SCAN

Tune Scan plays a few seconds of the songs which have non been listened to, from each of the favorite music channels which are currently displayed on the Satellite Radio Now Playing screen. As a song is existence played, the favorite channel volition be highlighted to indicate which channel is playing. Tune Start will play several seconds of the songs that are in the Interruption and Replay buffer for each favorite music channel, starting from the oldest to the newest.

Note: This feature is available when listening to Satellite Radio satellite.

Melody Mix

Tune Mix plays songs in a shuffle format from the favorite music channels which are currently displayed on the Satellite Radio Now Playing screen. Tune Mix plays songs that are in the Interruption and Replay buffer from each favorite music aqueduct, so that the longer the Lynx has been turned on, the greater the amount of songs are available for Tune Mix.

Note: This feature is available when listening to Satellite Radio satellite.

Use Tune Mix to create your own unique listening experience by grouping your favorite channels together. For instance, if you'd like to listen to an all stone genre, group your favorite rock channels together in a favorite aqueduct bank. If yous'd also like to have a mix of your favorite decades of music, create some other bank of favorite channels with those music channels. Then you can easily switch Tune Mix to the music y'all're in the mood to listen to past but changing favorite channel banks. You need to have at least ii music channels saved as favorites for Tune Mix to work. Tap Melody Mix satellite to brainstorm to play songs from the favorite channels currently displayed on the At present Playing screen. The Tune Mix icon will become highlighted to indicate that Tune Mix is agile. As a song is playing, borer Tune Mix satellite will stop Tune Mix and proceed playing the song, and remain tuned to the channel. Tapping Fast-Forward satellite will skip to the adjacent song in Tune Mix while tapping Pause icon pause volition pause Tune Mix. Borer Play icon pause will resume Tune Mix.

Tapping Melody Mix or tuning to another channel will end the Tune Mix office and keep playing from the last channel. If you lot change to a different folio of favorite channels while Tune Mix is on, it will continue to play the last channel from the previous folio until the new channels have been buffered to allow for a smooth transition to the new set of channels. If there are no music channels in the new favorite page, Melody Mix will end and continues to paly from the last tuned aqueduct.

If Tune Mix was selected earlier the Lynx was tuned off, information technology will automatically restart after a power bike while in the Habitation or Vehicle Docks. After a power cycle, information technology may accept a few minutes to have plenty content for Tune Mix.

Note: When Tune Mix switches songs in that location may exist times when the last i-2 seconds of the song that is playing is cut curt, or you may occasionally hear portions of a DJ talking, all of which is normal.

Featured Favorites

Featured Favorites are groups of channels that are created by the SiriusXM Programming Department, which are saved (and refreshed) to your Lynx while listening to Satellite Radio. They are dynamic and can change often, allowing you to observe new channels. Once added to your Lynx, Featured favorites can exist viewed anytime, in both Satellite and Internet Radio modes. Annotation that some channels may not be available on Internet Radio.

Note: Radio Replays for Featured Favorite channels are not saved.

Note: You cannot edit, delete, movement, or change any of the Featured Favorites. Lynx tin have up to 25 featured favorites in five pages. The status bar displays stars to bear witness the pages that currently have featured favorites. The active page is highlighted.

Featured Favorites may be turned off, if you exercise not wish to have this feature enabled. Tap Home , tap , tap Settings , tap My Content, tap Featured Favorites On/Off to toggle the characteristic On or Off.

To browse and select a Featured Favorite:

  1. If the favorite channels tray isn't open up, open up information technology by tapping, or by swiping the status bar up (where information technology says My Favorites) on the At present Playing screen.
  2. Featured Favorites begin after favorite channels. Swipe the favorite channels tray to the left until you reach the Featured Favorite pages. The highlighted star will show which Featured Favorite folio is currently displayed.
  3. Swipe the favorite channels tray to the left or correct to navigate through the Featured Favorites. Tap a Featured Favorite to tune to the aqueduct.
  4. If you find a channel you enjoy, salve information technology to your favorite channels. Swipe the favorite channels tray to the correct until yous accomplish the desired favorite channels page . Tap + , or an existing favorite aqueduct, to salve the new channel as a favorite channel.


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